Areas of Presentation

A Learning Journal with a difference: the behaviour journal supporting understanding of and increasing informed behaviour management by trainee teachers

Group Analytical Society, Goldsmith College Growing up with group psychotherapy: a life time award for Professor E.J. Anthony 2015

Alternative Approaches to ITE at National Primary Teacher Education Council, St Hugh’s College, Oxford

Training in behaviour management for Initial Teacher Training, Ofsted Conference, Birmingham
This presentation concentrated on the strategies for developing trainee awareness of own behaviour in the management of pupils and the understanding of the origins of difficulties.

Fast Children: A Sign of the Times: The Brain Train Conference
This conference with Dr. Anthony and Dr. D. Milne looked to explain the links between learning, behaviour and related therapies and the brain.

Assessing Trainee teachers in Behaviour Management across the Standards

What do Children remember About Teachers? Plenary
This presentation explores the way in which children might conceptualize the adult role in the classroom and how that is perceived by the adults.

Teaching Teachers: The Management of Classroom Behaviour and Learning
This presentation focused on strategies for training teachers in the management of all pupils but with a focus on those emotional, social and academic difficulties resulting in either short term developmental problems or more complex behaviours affecting learning.

An Integrated Approach to the Management of Severely Disturbed Children

Moving Toward developing behaviours that facilitate the process of Learning, Travelers Conference, Cambridge Institute of Education
This presentation looked at the way in which inconsistent attendance in schools and classrooms which have varied expectations need clarifying for traveller children.

Action Research and Burnout
This presentation concentrates on the way in which action research is often tried but not often repeated through a teacher’s career as on-going professional development. This paper considers research experience in the light of action research as an open-ended activity for meaningful, long-term change rather than research as a means to an end. Research highlights potential difficulties when researching over a long period and how to maintain momentum and motivation in the context of periods of change generated by the research.

Complex Children - Complex Training for Teachers
This paper looked at the training of teachers in the management of complex behaviours in the classroom, from initial teacher training to on-going in-service training needs for serving teachers.

Action Research as a collaborative tool as embedded within the methodology and as part of a process as well as being a significant part of personal practice as a researcher.

Supporting Practitioner Research: a Challenge, University of Cambridge
This presentation looked at the way in which teachers can be encouraged to be critical of their practice and to be able to plan development through action research.

Active Involvement
This paper was based on research into positive interaction with children. This stems from observations that teaching practice can be made effective when adults are active in their search for how children learn and change.

‘Good Companions’
A Combination of Psychotherapy and parent training used in families with a child with multi handicaps. Presented at Infant Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Congress, Stockholm, Sweden.

© 2020 Dr Sonia Burnard

Tel: 07599 524671

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